Hey Dafne followers! Glad you still keep up to date with this boring blog. The crew has been really busy with traveling all over Bali. We spent 2 days in Ubud, and 6 days in Canggu. I hope you find these places as interesting as I do. And I hope I can describe them well.

To get to Bali, you sail across a straight between Bali and Lombok. Indonesia has a ton of strong currents passing through the small island that come from the South Pacific across to the Indian Ocean. This straight is one of them. The sail was supposed to be a day long passage, but the current was so strong that we went through in 4 hours. We arrived in Serengan harbour at about noon and hooked a mooring near the shore. Us kids did some school while our parents went to get a Paulo. Paulo was a friend of our that we asked to crew with us until December. He had come now to watch the boat while we were traveling. We had dinner that night and got up early to drive to our first destination: Ubud.
Ubud is large town that is very touristy and popular if you want to see Bali but still have those Western pleasures. We settled into our bungalow (there are not many hotels) and went out to get a feel of the town. That day and the next were a rotation of breakfast, school, lunch, yoga, dinner, gelato, sleep. Pretty good, if you ask me. After the second day, we got back in a car and drove up to a school, the green school, for a visit. The green school is an amazing jungle school that is all about nature and the buildings are made of bamboo. We visited it to see if we wanted to maybe park the boat and enroll Cleo and me in school. Dafne would have to stop sailing, and thats not something I’m too keen about. After visiting the green school, we stop back at the boat to switch bags and drive up to Canggu.
Canggu is a little bit bigger than Ubud, and we stayed in a nice bungalow. We were mainly there for a 6 day surf lesson. Each day, we tried a different board and got some good waves. Our rotation was surf, breakfast, school, swim, yoga, dinner, gelato, sleep. Both places were great and I got an amazing taste of the culture of Bali. Everywhere we go, we see little offering of flowers, incense, and cookies laying on the stairs of shops or restaurants. It’s so cool how the Balinese people have a perfect blend of tourism and culture on their beautiful island.